This is your first day as a Randomness Quality Assurance Engineer at

Today you're working inside a dice. Make sure that the dice stays random!

The dice has 4 vital systems that you must keep up.

Don't let me down!

Best regards,

John Dice CEO

Randomness Quality Assurance Engineer Manual:

You have 4 main systems that are needed to keep the dice rolling:

  The Steering wheel : 

This system keeps the dice rolling.

Press  and Hold the prompted keys simultaneously to correct the dice trajectory

  The Settings :

The settings need to be configured correctly to generate a good random number.

Toggle the settings to match the prompt and confirm.

The Fuel Tank Level

You need to refuel the dice from time to time to keep the dice running.

Press the button to refil the tank.

The Dice Outupt Confirmation System

You need to confirm the dice output and correct accordingly.

Press the buttons to move the square up or down. You can also use the arrow keys on 

your keyboard.

Good luck

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Fun game! I would add ui sounds though if you have still time, like button presses or beeping. It would make game more lively and more manic

Hi, thank you!  Thanks for your feedback :) We thought about that but unfortunately we had to submit earlier because we cant participate for the entire duration of the jam